Case study

How a supplement brand doubled their sales and reduced their ACoS by half

Posted by Jimi Patel | July 11, 2024
Featured image - Intelligent Formula

Category: Vitamins, Minerals & Supplements

Brand Overview

Intelligent Formula specializes in developing advanced eye nutrition supplements, dedicated to enhancing eye health through innovative formulations. Initially challenged by high Advertising Cost of Sales (ACoS), Intelligent Formula sought to optimize its advertising strategy to achieve a balance between cost efficiency and sales growth.


Intelligent Formula faced a high Advertising Cost of Sales (ACoS) at 34.01% in May 2023. This high ACoS indicated that a large portion of their revenue was being consumed by advertising expenses, reducing overall profitability. The challenge was to reduce the ACoS while maintaining or increasing sales.


  • Strategically optimized PPC campaigns to target high-converting keywords and audiences
  • Implemented effective bid management strategies to maximize ROI and reduce ACoS
  • Conducted thorough keyword research and refined keyword selection for relevance and performance
  • Improved ad copy and creative elements to increase click-through rates and conversion rates
  • Optimized detail pages to improve user experience and conversion rates
  • Regularly reviewed performance metrics and adjusted strategies based on data insights to continuously improve campaign effectiveness


Business growth from May 2023 to January 2024

May 2023

Total sales: $17,963

PPC sales: $5,212.80

Spend: $1,772.96

ACoS: 34.01%


January 2024

Total sales: $33,985

PPC sales: $8,624.38

Spend: $1,715.01

ACoS: 19.89%

  • Achieved a remarkable growth in total sales, rising from $17,963 to $33,985, demonstrating an impressive 89% increase within the period
  • Increased PPC-driven sales from $5,212.80 to $8,624.38, marking a substantial 65% growth
  • Successfully reduced ACoS from 34.01% to 19.89%

Published by Jimi Patel

Jimi Patel, is a Co-founder and CEO at eStore Factory, an Amazon SPN certified agency that serves as a one-stop solution for all your Amazon business needs. Having helped countless brands increase sales and grow their footprint on Amazon, Jimi provides the most practical and effective solutions for your business. He is highly skilled in developing and executing plans that align with your specific business goals and objectives. When not working, Jimi enjoys practicing yoga and traveling to new places. He is an avid reader and enjoys staying up-to-date on the latest trends and developments in the e-commerce industry.

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