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Seller Central

How to update business insurance on Seller Central?

Step 1

Go to the Seller Central home page. Hover over Settings and click on Account Info.

Step 2

Click on Business Insurance, as shown in the screenshot.

Step 3

If you already have a policy, click on Add New Policy to update or add details for the new policy.

Step 4

If you want to purchase a policy through Amazon Accelerator, you can follow step 1 and purchase a policy directly from a company partnered with Amazon. However, if you have already purchased a policy elsewhere, follow the steps below to add the policy details:

  • Name of Insurer: The insurance company that provided your policy.

  • Name of Insured: The name of the individual or business that holds the insurance policy.

  • Policy Number: The number assigned to the policy by the insurer.

  • Policy Start and End Date: The effective dates of the policy.

  • Document: Upload the certificate of insurance (preferably a PDF file).